Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Scott Brown's victory / Why I don't have faith in the people

A couple of hours ago, Republican candidate Scott Brown won Ted Kennedy's senate seat in a special election. This is a man who vowed to become the 41st vote against health care reform. This is also a man who claimed that "Americans should see their tax dollars spent on weapons to fight terrorists, not on lawyers to represent them." This is a man who advocates the use of water boarding, and one who has posed nude in Cosmopolitan. Besides the choice to show his genitals in a women's magazine, most every judgement Brown has made has been contrary to the good of the people.

Brown's victory provides more evidence that there is no hope that voters of the commanding generation know what's good for them. Although Brown's victory came only because of one state, this confirms those facts that Fox News is always throwing around, the ones I thought were fabricated. These statistics claimed the majority of Americans are against health care reform, and I guess they were right. There couldn't be more proof of this than the seat of America's biggest health care reform proponent going to a man who wants to return America to its old system. There's really not much to say anymore, I've already argued for health care reform so many times, and to see it struck down after so much progress because of one state, just breaks down the last bit of faith I had in our political system. Without proper education, the masses of America will fail to realize something the Russians realized almost a century ago, the Chinese sixty years ago, and the Europeans decades ago, that the government needs to take steps to improve the quality of life for its citizens, instead of relying on the all powerful market to straighten things out. Multiple arguments can be made for these other systems having flaws, but the fact is, citizens across the world grew a backbone and attempted to forge a new government which would truly work for the people.

Maybe it will take another period of governmental stagnation for people to realize that it takes time and a majority in congress to achieve change. I fear that instead of coming to this conclusion however, the uneducated masses of our country will decide the Democrats can't push a successful agenda, and vote in the Republicans once again. This will lead to Obama failing to push any important legislation through, and may result in his failure to be reelected. I can do nothing now but write, speak, and hope, hope that the people will wake up, and soon.

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